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We're Migrating to Canvas!

Canvas is the leading learning management system (LMS) among major public research universities. Used by more than 3,000 universities, school districts, and institutions around the world, Canvas is an innovator in educational technology. The Canvas learning platform is known for being customizable, adaptable, and reliable.

The transition to Canvas will require time, effort, and careful thought, with engagement and representation from faculty, students, and staff. A project steering committee with representation from across the university is currently under development. The steering committee will provide guidance and oversight as the University of Illinois moves from multiple learning management systems to Canvas.

Leading Choice

By choosing Canvas, the University of Illinois is taking a significant step to enhance the educational experience at the university. Recognized for its ease of use, flexibility, and mobile capabilities, Canvas is the leading choice for a learning management system (LMS) among Illinois’ peer institutions.

The move from multiple systems to a common LMS will foster collaboration, reduce complexity, and simplify the learning and teaching experience for Illinois students and faculty.


We understand that the selection of Canvas as Illinois’ official LMS raises questions and concerns about the future of instructional technology and related services. To better understand the needs of our students, faculty, and staff, we want to hear from you.